The grand finale, aptly titled “The Italian House,” was a testament to the show’s dedication to creative home makeovers, and Virginia Tile Company was there every step of the way, providing a select range of tiles to add the finishing touches to this Italian-inspired masterpiece.
In “The Boys House,” hosts Keith Bynum and Evan Thomas took on the challenge of revamping their own home, and Virginia Tile Company was there every step of the way, providing an exclusive selection of exquisite tiles to bring their vision to life.
In “The Scandinavian House,” our products took center stage, capturing the essence of Scandinavian design.
For the Forest House, our tiles played a key role in elevating the design to a whole new level.
Virginia Tile Elevates Bargain Block’s ‘The Windsor Balmoral House’ with Exquisite Tiles
From inspiration to installation, the Future House was a true testament to the transformative power of our tiles.
In this episode, our tiles took center stage in the transformation of the Physics House:
In this episode, our tiles played a starring role in transforming the Classic Detroit House into a true masterpiece
Our tiles added a sense of timelessness and sophistication to the Temple House
The tiles added a touch of glitz and glamour to the Disco House, perfect for capturing that disco-era vibe.
In the “Cozy Cabin” episode, our tiles added a touch of sophistication and style to the featured home. Keith & Evan selected a stunning array of Virginia Tile products to transform this cabin into a cozy retreat